Mr.G.Vishveshwaran Final Year EIE Dept Student has won the Second Place in poster Presentation on the Theme Pain and Palliation Care held at Thiruvallur District Collector Office on 31.12.18.

S.No | Name of the Author | Title of the paper | Year / Sem | Name of the conference/Journal | National / International | Year of publication | Name of the publisher |
1 | R.AKASH | Design Of Metal Detection Robot Enhanced With FPGA | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
2 | K.KABILASRI | Hybrid Magneto Elastic Wireless Sensor For Detection Of Food Adulteration | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
3 | S. PAVITHRA | Review Paper for Automatic detection System for Crack and Defects of Railway Track | IV/VIII | IJARESM | International | 44562 | |
4 | S. PAVITHRA | Automatic Insulin Infusion With Glucose Monitoring And Measurement Of Physiological Ranges | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
5 | S. REVATHI | Review Paper for Automatic detection System for Crack and Defects of Railway Track | IV/VIII | IJARESM | International | 44562 | |
6 | S. REVATHI | Semi Humanoid Pneumatic Robot | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
7 | S.SURYA | Poisonous Sewage Gas Detection And Recycling Sewage Water | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
8 | A.SYED SIDDIQ | Detection Of Human Motion Using Animatronics Eye | IV/VIII | ICIRMEEE 2022 | International | 28th -29th April 2022 | AMET University |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021 – 2022
S.No | Name Of the Student | Year / Sem | Name Of The Event | Organized by | Award |
1 | R.AKASH | IV/VIII | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
2 | K.KABILASRI | IV/VIII | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
3 | R.KOWSICK | IV/VIII | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
4 | S. REVATHI | IV/VIII | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
5 | V.Y. AKASH | II/IV | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
6 | R.DESIGA | II/IV | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
7 | M.SARAVANAN | II/IV | Quiz | National Institute of Financial Management | Participation |
S.No | Name Of the Students | Year / Sem | Name Of The Event | Organized by | Award |
1 | A.Syed Siddiq | II/IV | National conference on power and Energy systems NCPES 2K20 | SRI RAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE | Participation |
2 | K.Nandhini | III / VI | National conference on power and Energy systems NCPES 2K20 | SRI RAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE | Participation |
3 | A.Monica | III / VI | National conference on power and Energy systems NCPES 2K20 | SRI RAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE | Participation |
4 | R.K.Adhira | III / VI | National conference on power and Energy systems NCPES 2K20 | SRI RAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE | Participation |
S.No | Name Of the Students | Year / Sem | Name Of The Event | Organized by | Award |
1 | Kaviya manjari.M | IV/VII | International Robotics Internship Training program 2018 | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
2 | Naveen.S | IV/VII | International Robotics Internship Training program 2018 | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
3 | Jayashree.N | IV/VII | International Robotics Internship Training program 2018 | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
4 | Vinothkumar.N | IV/VII | International Robotics Internship Training program 2018 | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
5 | Gowripriya.S | IV/VII | International Robotics Internship Training program 2018 | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
6 | Vinoth kumar.N | IV/VII | Project presentation | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
7 | Jayashree.N | IV/VII | Project presentation | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
8 | Gowripriya.S | IV/VII | Project presentation | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
9 | Kaviya manjari.M | IV/VII | Project presentation | TOP Engineers Upgrading Engineering Version | Participation |
10 | Jayashree.N | IV/VII | Workshop on labview core-1 | KCG college of technology | Participation |
11 | Naveen.S | IV/VII | Workshop on labview core-1 | KCG college of technology | Participation |
12 | Vinoth kumar.N | IV/VII | Workshop on labview core-1 | KCG college of technology | Participation |
13 | Naveen.S | IV/VII | Worlds Biggest international Hands on gaming and security workshop | Wikitechy | Participation |
14 | Gowripriya.s | IV/VII | Worlds Biggest international Hands on gaming and security workshop | Wikitechy | Participation |
15 | Vinothkumar.N | IV/VII | Worlds Biggest international Hands on gaming and security workshop | Wikitechy | Participation |
16 | Kaviya manjari.M | IV/VII | Worlds Biggest international Hands on gaming and security workshop | Wikitechy | Participation |
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