Mathematics Day
Event Organized By Ramanujan’s Club
Date : 22/12/2021
Ramanujan’s club has been conducted by mathematics department. The main purpose of this club is to establish encourage and promotes students, Mathematics talents. It helps accusing and maintains student’s interest in Mathematics and provide the students with opportunities to develop their explorative and qualitative and in venture facilities. We have conducted games, puzzles, quizzes, code breaking, general problem solving blogging podcasting.
Co- Coordinator :
Purushothaman, Asst Professor
In charges :
- S. Srinivasan, Asst Professor
- B. Sathish, Asst Professor
- S. Lavanya, Asst Professor

Mathematics Club was started in the college on 22 december 2016 with the aim of providing opportunities to the students to showcase their mathematical skills.
To explore maths beyond textbooks and apply it in day-to-day situations.
To persuade students use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanations.
To organize seminar, Guest Lecturers, Quiz and Exhibition of Mathematical models
Students should be able to communicate Mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings by sharing their thinking with teachers peers and to examine different problem-solving strategies. Critical reflection in mathematics helps students gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses as learners and to appreciate the value of errors as powerful motivators to enhance learning and understanding
1 | Applications of Mathematics in Engineering Discipline-Guest Lecture | 22/12/2016 | Dr. A. Vijaya kumar Sri Ram Engineering College |
2 | Statistics guest lecturer | 27/07/2017 | Dr. T. Vishwanathan Presidency College |
3 | Maths Quiz competition | 22/12/2017 | Dr. V. Choudri RMK CT College of Technology |
4 | Learning to communicate in Mathematics | 27/07/2018 | Dr. A.R. Raghavan Dr. Ambedkar Govt Arts College |
5 | Uses of matrices in theoretical computer science | 22/12/2018 | Dr. V. MadhuSudanan S.A. Engineering College |
6 | Innovative mathematics-guest lecturer | 27/07/2019 | Dr. V. Choudri RMK CT College of Technology |
7 | Maths Quiz competition | 21/12/2019 | Dr. T. Vishwanathan Presidency College |
8 | Mathematical modeling and Statistical analysis-FDP | 27/07/2020 | Dr. A.R. Raghavan Dr. Ambedkar Govt Arts College |
9 | Maths Quiz competition | 22/12/2020 | Dr. V. MadhuSudanan S.A. Engineering College |
10 | Real time applications of Engineering Mathematics | 27/07/2021 | Dr. T. Vishwanathan Presidency College |
11 | Mathematics model Exhibition | 21/12/2021 | Dr. V. Choudri RMK CT College of Technology |
For Online Grievance : onlinegrievance@jec.ac.in