For Admissions : +91-85310 77777

TNEA CODE : 1106

For Admissions : +91-85310 77777 |



The aviation field in India is developing at a fast pace. Private airlines have expanded greatly in the last few years. Defense industry in India is seeing high growth in military aviation. Indian companies have taken up aircraft design and outsourcing projects from abroad. This projects the requirement of highly skilled aeronautical engineers.

Department of Aeronautical Engineering is making great efforts in imparting knowledge and skill to meet the aircraft industry expectation .The department offers theory and lab works as per Anna University syllabus through qualified faculty and staff. Aeronautical Engineering department started functioning since 2006.The department has well equipped laboratory facilities and faculty to prepare the students to meet future requirement in the field of aviation.


Contributing qualitatively towards innovative technological development in aviation industry with strong ethical values.

  • Provide world standard education in Aeronautical Engineering, through a continuously improving educational program that graduates students with strong engineering fundamentals.
  • Inculcate high level of innovative thinking by imparting sound knowledge about recent technological development in the field of study.
  • Develop global knowledge by endeavouring continuously in pursuit of excellence in education and research.
  • Transform students into highly Professional Engineers through Intensive Training, Appropriate Guidance, Discipline with Human Values and Holistic Approach.

Programme educational objectives are the broad statements that describes what graduates are expected to attain within the few years of graduation.

PEO for Aeronautical Engineering Graduates :


Adaptability to industry : Graduates of the program will receive adequate academic input to adapt themselves in any aircraft and allied industries.


Successful Career Development : Graduates of the program will have successful technical and professional careers in Aeronautical and allied industries and management.


Motivation for Higher Studies : Graduates of the program will have motivation to pursue higher studies and acquire masters and research degrees.


Contribution to Aeronautical Field : Graduates of the program will have innovative ideas and potential to contribute for the development, maintenance and current needs of the aeronautical industries.


Sustainable interest for Lifelong learning : Graduates of the program will have sustained interest continuously to learn and adapt new technology and development to meet the changing industrial scenarios.

Program outcomes
  • Apply the Mathematical knowledge and the basics of Science and Engineering to solve the problems pertaining to Aeronautical Engineering.
  • An engineering acumen in identifying, formulating, analyzing and solving complex Aeronautical Engineering problems.
  • Developing processes, solutions to the problems which accounts for public health and are safe socially, culturally and environmentally.
  • Ability to model, analyze and simulate operations of aircraft components and parts.
  • Capability of exhibiting sound theoretical and practical knowledge in core domains like Aircraft Structures, Aerodynamics and Propulsion and are able to solve problems related to airflow over fixed and rotary wing aircrafts.
  • Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental, and societal context
  • An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • Commitment to professional ethics and responsibilities andalso to the norms as prescribed by the Aviation bodies such as DGCA, FAA.
  • Ability to work in team and have practical exposure in modeling of UAV, hovercrafts, ornithopters and quadcopters.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with the Aeronautical community using reports, presentations and documentations and to frame and follow instructions.
  • Ability to manage the projects in various Aeronautical fields of Structure, Propulsion, Avionics and Aircraft Design.
  • A readiness to engage in lifelong learning and understanding of contemporary issues in Aviation industry.


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