For Admissions : +91-85310 77777

TNEA CODE : 1106

For Admissions : +91-85310 77777 |



The formation of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was in the year 1995 with the introduction of an undergraduate course. The Department is affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The Department has been accredited from April 2008 to June 2013 by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The Department over the time has grown in several dimensions and provides a magnetic ambience in teaching and learning. The Department has the support of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members to offer good academic help to students and also constantly help our students to carry out their academic projects addressing the demands of society.

Apart from four years B.E program, the Department also offers a full time M.E program (Applied Electronics) in 2004. The Postgraduate study in ECE prepares students for leadership roles in research, development and design positions that require skill and imaginative engineering solutions.
The major areas of faculty expertise of the department include Biomedical Signal Processing, Communication Systems, Computer networks, Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Instrumentation, RF and Microwaves, Micro strip Antennas, Optoelectronic and Optical Communication, VLSI Design, Wireless Communication, Embedded Systems and MEMS.

The Department has signed MoUs with leading industries and organizations for establishing collaborative research, conducting Workshops, Seminars and for organizing International Conferences. Professional associations such as ECE association and life member in IOSR (Instrumentation society of India) for professional interaction.

Our students are always encouraged to take part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities in various state-level / national-level competitions including national level symposiums and international conferences.

The graduates from this department have become professional engineers, employed both in core and software companies. They are well represented at core companies, such as Robert Bosch, Qualcomm, Aricent Group, Wipro and as well as smaller start-up companies. They have become successful software developers and managers in the leading software companies, such as Thought works, Infosys, Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), HCL Technologies, TCS, and IGATE etc. Many of our students pursue higher education to obtain MS, MBA and PhD degrees in foreign universities. Also, some of the graduates working in Public sector units, such as BSNL, National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) Ltd, DRDO, ISRO, BHEL, BEL etc.


To transform our department into centre for excellence with high quality education in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.


To create an excellent teaching and learning environment with our potential to give satisfaction to our stakeholders and to equip contemporary skills to compete with the change.

  • B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • M.E. in Applied Electronics

PO1: Engineering knowledge

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis

Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


The graduates from this department have become professional engineers, employed both in core and software companies. They are well represented at core companies, such as Robert Bosch, Qualcomm, Aricent Group, Wipro and as well as smaller start-up companies. They have become successful software developers and managers in the leading software companies, such as Thought works, Infosys, Cognizant Technology Solutions, HCL Technologies, TCS, and IGATE etc. Many of our students pursue higher education to obtain MS, MBA and PhD degrees in foreign universities. Also, some of the graduates working in Public sector units, such as BSNL, National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) Ltd, DRDO, ISRO, BHEL, BEL etc.


Graduates will have a successful life-long career in Electronics and Communication Engineering or associated industries or higher education or as entrepreneurs.


Graduates will have the ability and attitude to adapt to latest technologies.


Graduates will have the ability and attitude to adapt to latest technologies.


Apply the knowledge in the field of electronics and communication engineering to analyze, design and develop solutions for real world problems.


Demonstrate the skill in core and allied domain to work in interdisciplinary teams.



ITHEORYHS3151PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH ITo use appropriate words in a professional context.
To gain understanding of basic grammatic structures and use them in right context.
To read and infer the denotative and connotative meanings of technical texts
To write definitions, descriptions, narrations and essays on various topics
THEORYMA3151MATRICES AND CALCULUSUse the matrix algebra methods for solving practical problems.
Apply differential calculus tools in solving various application problems.
Able to use differential calculus ideas on several variable functions.
Apply different methods of integration in solving practical problems.
Apply multiple integral ideas in solving areas, volumes and other practical problems.
THEORYPH3151ENGINEERING PHYSICSUnderstand the importance of mechanics.
Express their knowledge in electromagnetic waves.
Demonstrate a strong foundational knowledge in oscillations, optics and lasers.
Understand the importance of quantum physics.
Comprehend and apply quantum mechanical principles towards the formation of energy bands
THEORYCY3151ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYTo infer the quality of water from quality parameter data and propose suitable treatment methodologies to treat water.
To identify and apply basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in designing the synthesis of nanomaterials for engineering and technology applications.
To apply the knowledge of phase rule and composites for material selection requirements.
To recommend suitable fuels for engineering processes and applications.
To recognize different forms of energy resources and apply them for suitable applications in energy sectors.
THEORYGE3151PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMINGDevelop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
Develop and execute simple Python programs.
Write simple Python programs using conditionals and loops for solving problems.
Decompose a Python program into functions.
Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries etc.
Read and write data from/to files in Python programs.
PRACTICALGE3171PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING LABORATORYDevelop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
Develop and execute simple Python programs.
Implement programs in Python using conditionals and loops for solving problems
Deploy functions to decompose a Python program.
Process compound data using Python data structures.
Utilize Python packages in developing software applications.
PRACTICALBS3171PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORYUnderstand the functioning of various physics laboratory equipment.
Use graphical models to analyze laboratory data.
Use mathematical models as a medium for quantitative reasoning and describing physical reality.
Access, process and analyze scientific information.
Solve problems individually and collaboratively
To analyse the quality of water samples with respect to their acidity, alkalinity, hardness and DO.
To determine the amount of metal ions through volumetric and spectroscopic techniques
To analyse and determine the composition of alloys.
To learn simple method of synthesis of nanoparticles
To quantitatively analyse the impurities in solution by electroanalytical techniques
PRACTICALGE3172ENGLISH LABORATORYTo listen and comprehend complex academic texts
To speak fluently and accurately in formal and informal communicative contexts
To express their opinions effectively in both oral and written medium of communication
IITHEORYHS3251PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH -IITo compare and contrast products and ideas in technical texts.
To identify cause and effects in events, industrial processes through technical texts
To analyse problems in order to arrive at feasible solutions and communicate them orally and in the written format.
To report events and the processes of technical and industrial nature.
To present their opinions in a planned and logical manner, and draft effective resumes in context of job search.
THEORYMA3251STATISTICS AND NUMERICAL METHODSApply the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems.
Apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture.
Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integration for engineering problems.
Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.
Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with engineering applications.
THEORYPH3254PHYSICS FOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGKnow basics of crystallography and its importance for varied materials properties
Gain knowledge on the electrical and magnetic properties of materials and their applications.
Understand clearly of semiconductor physics and functioning of semiconductor devices
Understand the optical properties of materials and working principles of various optical devices
Appreciate the importance of nanotechnology and nanodevices
THEORYBE3254ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERINGExplain the working principle of electrical machines.
Analyze the output characterizes of electrical machines
Choose the appropriate electrical machines for various applications
Explain the types and operating principles of measuring instruments
Explain the basic power system structure and protection schemes
THEORYGE3251ENGINEERING GRAPHICSUse BIS conventions and specifications for engineering drawing.
Construct the conic curves, involutes and cycloid.
Solve practical problems involving projection of lines.
Draw the orthographic, isometric and perspective projections of simple solids.
Draw the development of simple solids
THEORYEC3251CIRCUIT ANALYSISApply the basic concepts of circuit analysis such as Kirchoff’s laws, mesh current and node voltage method for analysis of DC and AC circuits.
Apply suitable network theorems and analyze AC and DC circuits
Analyze steady state response of any R, L and C circuits
Analyze the transient response for any RC, RL and RLC circuits and frequency response of parallel and series resonance circuits.
Analyze the coupled circuits and network topologies
PRACTICALGE3271ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORYDraw pipe line plan; lay and connect various pipe fittings used in common household plumbing work; Saw; plan; make joints in wood materials used in common household wood work.
Wire various electrical joints in common household electrical wire work.
Weld various joints in steel plates using arc welding work; Machine various simple processeslike turning, drilling, tapping in parts; Assemble simple mechanical assembly of common household equipments; Make a tray out of metal sheet using sheet metal work.
Solder and test simple electronic circuits; Assemble and test simple electronic components on PCB.
Verify Thevinin & Norton theorem KVL & KCL, and Super Position Theorems.
PRACTICALGE3272COMMUNICATION LABORATORYSpeak effectively in group discussions held in a formal/semi formal contexts.
Write emails and effective job applications.
IIITHEORYMA3355RANDOM PROCESSES AND LINEAR ALGEBRAExplain the fundamental concepts of advanced algebra and their role in modern mathematics and applied contexts.
Demonstrate accurate and efficient use of advanced algebraic techniques.
Apply the concept of random processes in engineering disciplines.
Understand the fundamental concepts of probability with a thorough knowledge of standard distributions that can describe certain real-life phenomenon.
Understand the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables and apply them to model engineering problems.
THEORYCS3353C PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURESDevelop C programs for any real world/technical application. Apply appropriate hash functions that result in a collision free scenario for data storage and retrieval.
Apply advanced features of C in solving problems.
Write functions to implement linear and non–linear data structure operations.
Suggest and use appropriate linear/non–linear data structure operations for solving a given problem.
Appropriately use sort and search algorithms for a given application.
Apply appropriate hash functions that result in a collision free scenario for data storage and retrieval.
THEORYEC3354SIGNALS AND SYSTEMSDetermine if a given system is linear/causal/stable.
Determine the frequency components present in a deterministic signal
Characterize continuous LTI systems in the time domain and frequency domain
Characterize discrete LTI systems in the time domain and frequency domain
Compute the output of an LTI system in the time and frequency domains
THEORYEC3353ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITSExplain the structure and working operation of basic electronic devices.
Design and analyze amplifiers.
Analyze frequency response of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers
Design and analyze feedback amplifiers and oscillator principles.
Design and analyze power amplifiers and supply circuits
THEORYEC3351CONTROL SYSTEMSCompute the transfer function of different physical systems.
Analyse the time domain specification and calculate the steady state error.
Illustrate the frequency response characteristics of open loop and closed loop system response.
Analyse the stability using Routh and root locus techniques.
Illustrate the state space model of a physical system and discuss the concepts of sampled data control system.
THEORYEC3352DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGNUse Boolean algebra and simplification procedures relevant to digital logic.
Design various combinational digital circuits using logic gates.
Analyse and design synchronous sequential circuits.
Analyse and design asynchronous sequential circuits. .
Build logic gates and use programmable devices
Design and Testing of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers.
Operation of power amplifiers
PRACTICALCS3362C PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORYUse different constructs of C and develop applications
Write functions to implement linear and non-linear data structure operations
Suggest and use the appropriate linear / non-linear data structure operations for a given problem
Apply appropriate hash functions that result in a collision free scenario for data storage and Retrieval
Implement Sorting and searching algorithms for a given application
PRACTICALGE3361PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Use MS Word to create quality documents, by structuring and organizing content for their day to day technical and academic requirements
Use MS EXCEL to perform data operations and analytics, record, retrieve data as per requirements and visualize data for ease of understanding
Use MS PowerPoint to create high quality academic presentations by including common tables, charts, graphs, interlinking other elements, and using media objects.
IVTHEORYEC3452ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS Relate the fundamentals of vector, coordinate system to electromagnetic concepts
Analyze the characteristics of Electrostatic field
Interpret the concepts of Electric field in material space and solve the boundary conditions
Explain the concepts and characteristics of Magneto Static field in material space and solve boundary conditions.
Determine the significance of time varying fields
THEORYEC3401NETWORKS AND SECURITYExplain the Network Models, layers and functions.
Categorize and classify the routing protocols.
List the functions of the transport and application layer.
Evaluate and choose the network security mechanisms.
Discuss the hardware security attacks and countermeasures
THEORYEC3451LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITSDesign linear and nonlinear applications of OP – AMPS
Design applications using analog multiplier and PLL
Design ADC and DAC using OP – AMPS
Generate waveforms using OP – AMP Circuits
Analyze special function ICs
THEORYEC3492DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSINGApply DFT for the analysis of digital signals and systems
Design IIR and FIR filters
Characterize the effects of finite precision representation on digital filters
Design multirate filters
Apply adaptive filters appropriately in communication systems
THEORYEC3491COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSGain knowledge in amplitude modulation techniques
Understand the concepts of Random Process to the design of communication systems
Gain knowledge in digital techniques
Gain knowledge in sampling and quantization
Understand the importance of demodulation techniques
PRACTICALEC3461COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LABORATORYDesign AM, FM & Digital Modulators for specific applications.
Compute the sampling frequency for digital modulation.
Simulate & validate the various functional modules of Communication system.
Demonstrate their knowledge in base band signaling schemes through implementation of digital modulation schemes.
Apply various channel coding schemes & demonstrate their capabilities towards the improvement of the noise performance of Communication system.
PRACTICALEC3462LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORYAnalyze various types of feedback amplifiers
Design and simulate feedback amplifiers,oscillators, tuned amplifiers, waveshaping circuits and multivibrators, filters using SPICE Tool.
Design oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave-shaping circuits and multivibrators
Design amplifiers, oscillators, D-A converters using operational amplifiers.
Design filters using op-amp and perform an experiment on frequency response

ITHEORYHS6151Technical English - IExplain clearly, confidently, comprehensibly, and communicate with one or many listeners using appropriate communicative strategies.
Construct cohesively and coherently and flawlessly avoiding grammatical errors, using a wide vocabulary range, organizing their ideas logically on a topic.
Organize different genres of texts adopting various reading strategies.
Distinguish and comprehend different spoken discourses/excerpts in different accents.
Improve listening to different accents, speeches and presentations.
THEORYMA6151Mathematics - IThis course equips students to have basic knowledge and understanding in one fields of materials, integral and differential calculus
THEORYPH6151Engineering Physics - IExtend the knowledge about the crystal structures and crystal growth techniques.
Interpret the fundamental knowledge about the elastic nature of materials and able to differentiate a good thermal conductor from the bad thermal conductor.
Apply the knowledge of quantum mechanics and classical mechanics in addressing problems related to science and technology.
Utilize the knowledge about designing an auditorium with good acoustical properties and make use of ultrasonic and its applications in various fields.
Identify and appreciate the advantages of optical communication using LASER.
THEORYCY6151Engineering Chemistry - IDescribe the methods of polymerization, types and properties of polymers.
Illustrate the concepts of basic thermodynamics and problem solving skills in various disciplines of Engineering.
Discuss the laws of photochemistry in recognizing the interaction of light with matter and its applications in luminescence and spectroscopy.
Review the use of the phase rule in identifying its applications in Metallurgical Engineering.
Summarize the basic knowledge in Nano chemistry and distinguish the existing technology with Nano technology.
THEORYGE6151Computer ProgrammingDescribe the functions of a digital computer with its organization and translate program logic into pseudo code and flow chart
Apply the different conditional constructs to solve simple scientific and statistical problems
Demonstrate the usage of functions and pointers with the help of C programs
Use the arrays and strings for writing programs involving character manipulations
Apply the concept of structures and unions in writing C programs
THEORYGE6152Engineering GraphicsFamiliarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphics
Perform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.
Project orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.
Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.
The student will be able to Visualize and to project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.
PRACTICALGE6161Computer Practices LaboratoryUse of office automation tools.
Apply good programming design methods for program development.
Design and implement the C programs for simple applications.
Develop and implement the recursive programs.
Implement the C programs with the help of structures and unions.
PRACTICALGE6162Engineering Practices LaboratoryConstruct carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works.
Use welding equipment’s to join the structures
Illustrate the basic machining operations
Construct the models using sheet metal works
Describe centrifugal pump, Air conditioner, operations of smithy, foundry and fittings.
Construct the basic Electrical and Electronics circuits.
Examine the different types of electronic circuits and components.
Explain the electrical safety rules, grounding, general house wiring.
Perform soldering in various electronic circuits.
Illustrate the basic operation of domestic electrical appliances.
PRACTICALGE6163Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - IExperienced with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of chloride and dissolved oxygen.
Equipped in the determination of acids by using the instruments of conductivity meter and pH meter.
IITHEORYHS6251Technical English – IISpeak convincingly, express their opinions clearly, initiate a discussion, negotiate, argue using appropriate communicative strategies.
Write effectively and persuasively and produce different types of writing such as narration, description, exposition and argument as well as creative, critical, analytical and evaluative writing.
Read different genres of texts, infer implied meanings and critically analyse and evaluate them for ideas as well as for method of presentation.
Listen/view and comprehend different spoken excerpts critically and infer unspoken and implied meanings.
Students will become accomplished, active readers and will be able to write effectively for a variety of professional and social settings
THEORYMA6251Mathematics– IIApply knowledge of vector calculus in engineering disciplines
Solve ordinary differential equations that model the engineering problems
Find the Laplace transform of functions and solve the ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform
Construct analytic functions and apply the knowledge of conformal mappings in engineering disciplines
Evaluate contour integration and apply it in engineering problems
THEORYPH6251Engineering Physics – IIDescribe the conducting materials and their properties.
Analyze the semiconductors and able to differentiate various types of semiconductors.
Apply the knowledge of magnetic and superconducting materials for modern day to day applications.
Explain the properties and applications of dielectrics.
Apply the knowledge about the modern engineering materials for various applications.
THEORYCY6251Engineering Chemistry –IIDescribe water technology in the purification of water in domestic and industrial applications.
Explain the principles of electrochemistry, the factors affecting corrosion and the prevention of corrosion.
Classify the different alternative sources of energy and the generation processes.
Enumerate the different types of engineering materials and their applications.
Discuss the industrial techniques of petroleum processing and the determination of calorific values and combustion parameters.
THEORYEC6201Electronic DevicesDesign applications using the basic electronic devices
Interpret the construction and operation of Bipolar Junction Transistor
Analyze the operation of various Field Effect Transistors
Develop applications using the special semiconductor devices
Apply the basic concepts of Power and Display devices
THEORYEE6201Circuit TheoryAnalyse circuits with ideal, independent, and controlled voltage and current sources.
Apply Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Network theorems to the analysis of AC and DC circuits.
Evaluate the response of the series and parallel resonance circuits, coupled circuits and tuned circuits.
Solve first and second order AC and DC circuits for steady-state and transient response in the time domain and two port networks.
Estimate the power consumed by the three-phase balanced and unbalanced circuits.
PRACTICALGE6262Physics and Chemistry Laboratory – IITest materials by using their knowledge of applied physics principles in optics and properties of matter.
Determine the hardness, alkalinity and metal ion content in the water samples by volumetric titration.
Estimate the water quality parameters by potentiometer, conductometer and flame photometer.
PRACTICALEC6211Circuits and Devices LaboratoryAnalyze the characteristics of basic electronic devices.
Design the RL & RC circuits.
Apply KVL, KCL, Thevenin, Norton and Super Position Theorems in circuit analysis.
IIITHEORYMA6351Transforms and Partial Differential EquationsSolve the Partial Differential Equations.
Determine the Fourier series expansion of functions and hence evaluate the value of infinite series.
Apply the method of separation of variables to solve one dimensional wave equation, one dimensional heat equation and two dimensional heat equation
Find the Fourier transform of functions and also evaluate definite integrals using Fourier transform.
Calculate the Z-transform of discrete time systems and solve the difference equations using Z-transform.
THEORYEE6352Electrical Engineering and InstrumentationAnalyze the characteristics of DC machines
Determine the efficiency and regulation of transformers
Evaluate the performance of Induction and Synchronous machines
Select transducers for the measurement of temperature, displacement and strain
Determine the circuit parameters using AC and DC bridges
THEORYEC6301Object Oriented Programming and Data StructuresSummarize the object oriented features like data abstraction and overloading to solve various computing problems.
Illustrate the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism in various applications.
Make use of linear data structure concepts for problem solving.
Experiment with various non-linear data structures such as trees and graphs.
Analyze standard algorithms for searching and sorting techniques.
THEORYEC6302Digital ElectronicsAnalyze different methods used for simplification of Boolean functions
Design and implement Combinational circuits
Design and implement synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits
Apply the basic concepts of memory devices and programmable logic devices
Write simple HDL code for combinational and sequential circuits
THEORYEC6303Signals and SystemsAnalyze the various properties of signals and systems.
Apply Laplace transform, Fourier transform, Z transform and DTFT in signal analysis.
Analyse continuous time LTI systems using Fourier and Laplace transform.
Analyze the sampling theorem and discrete time signals using Z transform and DTFT.
Interpret the LTI discrete time systems using Z transform and DTFT
THEORYEC6304Electronic Circuits- IDesign the circuits with BJT and MOSFET biasing
Analyze the small signal equivalent and design simple BJT amplifier circuits
Design simple JFET and MOSFET amplifier circuits
Find the frequency response of all amplifiers
Design an amplifiers with active loads
PRACTICALEC6311Analog and Digital Circuits LaboratoryDesign the electronic circuits.
Recognize the characteristics of CE,CB& CC amplifiers
Calculate the frequency response of CS amplifier.
Analyze the limitations in bandwidth of single stage and multistage amplifiers.
Simulate the amplifiers using spice tool.
Design and implement the digital circuits using logic gates.
PRACTICALEC6312OOPS and Data Structures LaboratoryDesign and implement various concepts in C++ programming language.
Apply good programming design methods for program development.
Apply the different data structures like stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs for implementing solutions to practical problems.
IVTHEORYMA6451Probability and Random ProcessesApply the knowledge of the probability concepts and distributions in communication engineering.
Find the covariance, correlation and regression of two dimensional random variables.
Analyze the random processes to apply in random signals in communication engineering.
Apply the concept of correlation functions and spectral densities of random processes in communication engineering problems
Analyze the response of random inputs to linear time invariant systems to apply in linear systems in communication engineering.
THEORYEC6401Electronic Circuits IIDesign and analyze feedback amplifiers.
Design different types of oscillator at different frequency.
Analyse the performance of Tuned amplifiers.
Design wave shaping circuits and multivibrators.
Apply the various design techniques to analyze blocking oscillators and time base Generators
THEORYEC6402Communication TheoryAnalyze the various modulation techniques used for communication.
Elaborate the angle modulation and demodulation techniques.
Apply the concepts of Random process.
Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems.
Apply the basic concepts of source and channel coding in design of communication systems.
THEORYEC6403Electromagnetic FieldsApply the basic mathematical concepts of vector analysis and its associated laws to the solution of electrostatic field.
Describe the properties of conductors and dielectrics.
Analyze the field potentials due to static magnetic fields.
Explain how materials affect electric and magnetic fields.
Analyze the relation between the fields under time varying situations and apply Maxwell’s equations to electric and magnetic fields.
THEORYEC6404Linear Integrated CircuitsDesign linear and non-linear applications of op-amps.
Design applications using Analog multipliers and PLL.
Design ADC and DAC using op-amps.
Design waveform Generators using op-amps.
Analyze special function ICs.
THEORYEC6405Control System EngineeringPerform modelling of control system using various techniques
Obtain the time response and steady state error of control systems
Design compensators and to plot the frequency response using various techniques
Determine the stability of control systems
Analyse and obtain state space model using state variables
PRACTICALEC6411Circuit and Simulation Integrated LaboratoryAnalyze various types of feedback amplifiers
Design oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave-shaping circuits and multivibrators.
Design and simulate feedback amplifiers, oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave- shaping circuits and multivibrators using SPICE tool.
PRACTICALEC6412Linear Integrated Circuit LaboratoryAnalyze the basics of linear integrated circuits and available ICs.
Design the oscillators, amplifiers and filters using operational amplifiers.
Analyze and implement the frequency multiplier using PLL.
Design the oscillators and Multi vibrators using SPICE.
Analyze the performance of DC power supply using ICs.
PRACTICALEE6461Electrical Engineering and Control System LaboratoryPerform experiments to study the load characteristics of DC Motors/ Generators.
Design bridge network circuit to measure the values of passive component.
Analyse the stability of linear system through simulation software
Obtain transfer function of DC Generator.
VTHEORYEC6501Digital CommunicationDesign applications using the various types of sampling and quantization.
Describe the various waveform coding schemes.
Analyze the various baseband transmission schemes.
Explain the various digital modulation schemes.
Apply the various channel coding in digital communication systems.
THEORYEC6502Principles of Digital Signal ProcessingApply DFT for the analysis of digital signals & systems.
Design Infinite Impulse response (IIR) digital filters.
Design Finite Impulse response (FIR) digital filters.
Analyze the finite Word length effects in digital filters.
Explain the concept of Multirate Signal processing and Application of Adaptive Filters.
THEORYEC6503Transmission Lines and Wave GuidesAnalyze the various types of transmission lines and the losses associated.
Analyze different parameters and constraints in high frequency transmission of information.
Apply the concept of impedance transformation and matching using Smith chart.
Use the fundamental concept of filter theories and design it.
Apply the fundamental concept of transmission in different guided systems and Utilize cavity resonators.
THEORYGE6351Environmental Science and EngineeringSummarize the importance of public awareness on environment and nature of Bio diversity.
Describe the various causes, effect and control measures of environmental pollution.
Discuss the human development that leads to environmental disasters, the value of natural resources and their conservation.
Explain the value of public participation in environmental protection, Environmental Management and Legislation Acts and sustainable development.
Review the problems related to population and their remedial measures.
THEORYEC6504Microprocessor and MicrocontrollerWrite and implement programs on 8086 microprocessor.
Implement the system bus structure of 8086 and coprocessor.
Describe the I/O devices, peripherals and bus interfacing.
Elaborate the operation of 8051 microcontroller architecture and implement ALP using 8051 instructions.
Design and implement 8051 microcontroller based systems.
PRACTICALEC6511Digital Signal Processing LaboratoryImplement Linear and circular convolution programs using MATLAB and
DSP Processor
Implement FIR and IIR Filters Using MATLAB and DSP Processor.
Implement Multi rate filters for various applications of DSP.
Analyze the performance of DSP Processor.
Generate the Waveform of signals using DSP Processor.
PRACTICALEC6512Communication System LaboratoryAnalyze the effects of sampling and TDM.
Design AM & FM modulation and demodulation.
Implement Pulse Code Modulation and Delta Modulation.
Implement the signal constellations of BPSK, QPSK and QAM.
Demonstrate base band signaling schemes through implementation of FSK, PSK and DPSK.
Implement Equalization algorithms and Error control coding schemes.
PRACTICALEC6513Microprocessor and Microcontroller LaboratoryWrite ALP program for arithmetic operation, logical operations and data movement.
Implement code conversion, decimal arithmetic and matrix operations.
Execute ALP program for floating point operations, string manipulations, sorting and searching.
Implement peripherals and interfacing with 8086 microprocessor.
Write and execute ALP program for arithmetic, logical operations, square and cube program.
VITHEORYMG6851Principles of ManagementDiscuss the evolution of management, functions and roles of managers
Explain the different types of planning process and tools used for planning
Elaborate different organization structures and functions of human resources manager
Illustrate the different theories of motivation and leadership
Describe the control techniques and the role of technology in management
THEORYCS6303Computer ArchitectureAnalyze the performance of the computer operations and understand the instructions in MIPS architecture.
Design arithmetic and logic unit.
Design a pipeline for execution of instructions with minimum hazards.
Determine the ways to take advantage of instruction level parallelism for high performance processor design.
Explain the memory hierarchy, input/output mechanism and evaluate the performance of the memory system.
THEORYCS6551Computer NetworksSummarize the concepts of the network fundamentals and different layers.
Identify the components required to build different types of networks and to understand the internetworking protocols.
Explore the network with routing and multicasting.
Trace the flow of information from one node to another in the networks.
Analyze the features and operations of various application layer protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and SMTP.
THEORYEC6601VLSI DesignExplain the basic characteristics of MOSFET and different CMOS process technologies.
Design and analyze the various combinational logic circuits.
Model the sequential digital system using Hardware Description Language.
Design arithmetic building blocks.
Apply the techniques of chip design using FPGA programmable devices.
THEORYEC6602Antenna and Wave propagationAnalyze the basic antenna parameters and radiations from dipole antennas.
Describe the various types of aperture and slot antennas.
Explain about the various kinds of antenna arrays.
Apply the various types of special and modern antennas based on the applications.
Analyze the different types of propagation of radio waves at different frequencies.
THEORYEC6001Elective I - Medical ElectronicsExplain about the physiological parameters and recording methods.
Analyze the bio-chemicals and various physiological information.
Describe various assist devices used in hospitals.
Explain the equipment used for physical medicine and the various recently developed diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
Apply the concepts of medical Instrumentation in recent technology (laser, telemedicine, endoscopy unit).
PRACTICALEC6611Computer Networks LaboratoryPerform client-server communication between two desktop computers using Socket Programming.
Implement the different protocols.
Simulate various network topologies like Star, Bus and Ring.
Implement and compare the different routing algorithms.
Simulate the algorithms with the help of Network Simulator tool.
PRACTICALEC6612VLSI Design LaboratoryWrite HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuits.
Synthesize, Place and Route the digital circuits.
Import the logic modules in to FPGA boards.
Design and Simulate the digital circuits using EDA platforms.
Design and Simulate the CMOS transistor differential amplifiers using EDA tools.
PRACTICALGE6674Communication and Soft Skills - Laboratory BasedIdentify and interpret visuals, communicate in formal and informal conversations, give presentations, and participate in GD.
Explain reading comprehension passages of higher levels, draft Resume, cover letter, reports, emails, and write blogs.
Differentiate between IELTS & TOEFL and take placement oriented verbal ability tests.
Demonstrate appropriate verbal, non-verbal and paralinguistic skills while attending job interviews.
Show leadership traits, team skills and essential soft skills and efficiency to excel as a professional.
VIITHEORYEC6701RF and Microwave EngineeringDesign and analyse multiport RF networks
Formulate solutions for stability and impedance matching issues in microwave amplifiers
Explain the basic concept of various microwave devices
Elaborate the concepts involved in Microwave generation
Measure and analyse Microwave signal and its parameters
THEORYEC6702Optical Communication and NetworksFundamental concept of optical fiber modes and their configurations.
Analyse the various signal degradation factors associated with optical fiber.
Explain the various optical sources and optical detectors and their use in the optical communication system.
Describe the techniques required to measure the optical fiber systems.
Analyse the Digital Transmission and its associated parameters on system performance
THEORYEC6703Embedded and Real Time SystemsExplain the fundamental concepts of designing Embedded and Real Time
Describe the computing required for Real Time Embedded Systems.
Summarize the concepts of scheduling in Real Time Operating System.
Analyse the techniques required to create complex Embedded System.
Apply the concepts of Embedded System Design in creating the model Real Time applications.
THEORYEC6004Elective II - Satellite CommunicationDetermine the azimuth and elevation angles and visibility of a geostationary satellite from an earth station.
Explain the concept of signal propagation of space segment components and create link budgets for an uplink and a downlink,
Analyze the effect of rain attenuation in a satellite link and the availability of the link based on geographic location of the earth terminals.
Design satellite communication system to carry voice, video or data signals using analog or digital modulation.
Analyze the various types of satellite services according to its applications.
THEORYIT6005Elective III - Digital Image ProcessingAnalyse the fundamental concepts of a digital image processing system
Examine various types of images, intensity transformations and spatial filtering and to develop Fourier transform for image processing in frequency domain
Determine the methodologies for image segmentation, restoration etc
Apply various coding methods used for Image Compression
Explain about Image Restoration and Recognition techniques
THEORYEC6013Elective IV - Advanced Microprocessors and MicrocontrollersDescribe the operation of Pentium processor and programming concepts.
Analyze the operation of ARM processor, instruction sets and development tools.
Develop DSP applications using ARM processor.
Explain about MOTOROLA 68HC11 architecture and instruction sets.
Elaborate the operation of PIC microcontroller and instruction sets
THEORYEC6016Opto Electronic devicesExplain the wave nature of light and basics of solid state physics.
Elucidate the operation of display devices and laser.
Describe the various optical detection devices.
Apply concept of optoelectronic modulator principle in fiber optic communication.
Describe the integration of Optoelectronic devices on a chip
PRACTICALEC6711Embedded LaboratoryWrite programs in ARM for a specific Application
Interface memory with ARM processor and write a program related to memory operations
Interface A/D and D/A convertors with ARM system
Analyze the performance of interrupt
Write programs for interfacing keyboard, display, motor and sensor
PRACTICALEC6712Optical and Microwave LaboratoryAnalyze the performance of simple optical link.
Test microwave and optical components.
Determine the losses in fiber.
Analyze the mode characteristics of fiber.
Analyze the radiation pattern of antenna.
VIIITHEORYEC6801Wireless CommunicationExplain the modelling of various wireless channels.
Apply the various cellular concepts like frequency reuse, channel assignments, handoff strategies etc., in mobile communication.
Analyze the performance of various digital signalling schemes of fading channels.
Apply the multipath mitigation techniques based on the application.
THEORYEC6802Wireless NetworksAnalyze different standards used for Wireless LAN.
Explain the Network Layer protocols used for Mobile Applications.
Describe various techniques in Mobile Transport Layers.
Implement different type of applications for smart phones and mobile devices with latest network strategies.
Converse with the latest 3G/4G and WiMAX Networks and its Architecture.
THEORYGE6075Elective V - Professional Ethics in EngineeringApply ethics, morals and human values in society. The students will be able to
Explain about engineering ethics.
Describe the responsibilities of engineers as experimenters.
Analyze the safety, risks, risk benefit analysis and rights of an engineer.
Discuss the Importance of the global issues, moral leadership and code of conduct.
THEORYGE6757Elective VI - Total Quality ManagementDiscuss the contributions of Quality Guru.
Explain the principles of TQM.
Apply the tools and techniques of quality management to manufacturing and service processes.
Describe TQM tools and techniques such as Control Charts, QFD and TPM.
Discuss the elements of Quality system standards.
PRACTICALEC6811Project WorkApply the fundamental knowledge and skills, which are acquired within the
technical area, to a given problem
Identify and summarize an appropriate list of literature review, analyze previous researchers’ work and relate them to the project
Within given constraints, even with limited information, the students will be able to independently analyze and discuss complex inquiries/problems and handle larger problems on the advanced level within the technical area.
Design engineering solutions to complex problems in a systematic approach.
Apply research and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data that yield the results and answer important applicable research questions.
Utilize technology tools for communication, collaboration, information management, and decision support.
Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.
Interact with team members in a professional manner, respecting differences, to ensure a collaborative project environment.
Demonstrate a strong working knowledge of ethics and professional responsibility.
Document and present one’s own work, for a given target group, with strict requirements on structure, format, and language usage.

ITHEORYHS8151COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISHCO1.Read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers.
CO2.Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English.
CO3. Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
CO4. Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.
THEORYHS8151ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS– ICO1.Use both the limit definition and rules of differentiation to differentiate functions.
CO2.Apply differentiation to solve maxima and minima problems.
CO3. Evaluate integrals both by using Riemann sums and by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
CO4. Apply integration to compute multiple integrals, area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates, in addition to change of order and change of variables.
CO6. Evaluate integrals using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions and integration by parts.
CO7. Determine convergence/divergence of improper integrals and evaluate convergent improper integrals.
CO8. Apply various techniques in solving differential equations.
THEORYPH8151ENGINEERING PHYSICSCO1. The students will gain knowledge on the basics of properties of matter and its applications
CO2. The students will acquire knowledge on the concepts of waves and optical devices and their applications in fibre optics, the students will have adequate knowledge on the concepts of thermal properties of materials and their applications in expansion joints and heat exchangers,
CO3. The students will get knowledge on advanced physics concepts of quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes, and the students will understand the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques.
CO1. The knowledge gained on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatment techniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications for further learning.
THEORYGE8151PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMINGCO1. Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems Read, write, execute by hand simple Python programs.
CO2. Structure simple Python programs for solving problems. Decompose a Python program into functions.
CO3. Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries. Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs.
THEORYGE8152ENGINEERING GRAPHICSCO1. Familiarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphics Perform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.
CO2. Project orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.
CO3. Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.
CO4 Visualize and to project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.
CO2. Implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
CO3. Develop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.
CO4. Develop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.
CO5. Read and write data from/to files in Python.
CO6. Use Python lists, tuples, dictionaries for representing compound data.
PRACTICALBS8161PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORYCO1. The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters.
IITHEORYHS8251TECHNICAL ENGLISHCO1. Read technical texts and write area- specific texts effortlessly.
CO2. Listen and comprehend lectures and talks in their area of specialisation successfully.
CO3. Speak appropriately and effectively in varied formal and informal contexts.
CO4. Write reports and winning job applications.
THEORYMA8251ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – IICO1. Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector point function and related identities.
CO2. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix, Symmetric matrices, Positive definite matrices and similar matrices.
CO3. Evaluation of line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green‘s theorems and their verification.
CO4. Analytic functions, conformal mapping and complex integration.
CO5. Laplace transform and inverse transform of simple functions, properties, various related theorems and application to differential equations with constant coefficients.

THEORYPH8253PHYSICS FOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGCO1. Gain knowledge on classical and quantum electron theories, and energy band structuues, Acquire knowledge on basics of semiconductor physics and its applications in various devices,
CO2. Get knowledge on magnetic and dielectric properties of materials,
CO3. Have the necessary understanding on the functioning of optical materials for optoelectronics,
CO4. Understand the basics of quantum structures and their applications in spintronics and carbon electronics..
THEORYBE8254BASIC ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERINGCO1. Understand the concept of three phase power circuits and measurement.
CO2. Comprehend the concepts in electrical generators, motors and transformers
CO3. Choose appropriate measuring instruments for given application
CIRCUIT ANALYSISCO1. Develop the capacity to analyze electrical circuits, apply the circuit theorems in real time
CO2. Design and understand and evaluate the AC and DC circuits.
THEORYEC8252ELECTRONIC DEVICESCO1. Explain the V-I characteristic of diode, UJT and SCR
CO2. Describe the equivalence circuits of transistors
CO3. Operate the basic electronic devices such as PN junction diode, Bipolar and Field effect Transistors, Power control devices, LED, LCD and other Opto-electronic devices
PRACTICALEC8261CIRCUITS AND DEVICES LABORATORYCO1. Analyze the characteristics of basic electronic devices
CO2. Design RL and RC circuits
CO3. Verify Thevinin & Norton theorem KVL & KCL, and Super Position Theorems
PRACTICALGE8261ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORYCO1. Fabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works.
CO2. Use welding equipments to join the structures.
CO3. Carry out the basic machining operations
CO4. Make the models using sheet metal works
CO5. Illustrate on centrifugal pump, Air conditioner, operations of smithy, foundary and fittings

CO6. Carry out basic home electrical works and appliances
CO7. Measure the electrical quantities Elaborate on the components, gates, soldering practices.
IIITHEORYMA8352LINEAR ALGEBRA AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSCO1. Explain the fundamental concepts of advanced algebra and their role in modern mathematics and applied contexts.

CO2. Demonstrate accurate and efficient use of advanced algebraic techniques.
CO3. Demonstrate their mastery by solving non - trivial problems related to the concepts and by proving simple theorems about the statements proven by the text.
CO4. Able to solve various types of partial differential equations.
CO5. Able to solve engineering problems using Fourier series.
THEORYEC8393FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA STRUCTURES IN CCO1. Implement linear and non-linear data structure operations using C
CO2. Suggest appropriate linear / non-linear data structure for any given data set.
CO3. Apply hashing concepts for a given problem
CO4. Modify or suggest new data structure for an application
CO5. Appropriately choose the sorting algorithm for an application
THEORYEC8351ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ICO1. Acquire knowledge of Working principles, characteristics and applications of BJT and FET Frequency response characteristics of BJT and FET amplifiers
CO2. Analyze the performance of small signal BJT and FET amplifiers - single stage and multi stage amplifiers
CO3. Apply the knowledge gained in the design of Electronic circuits
THEORYEC8352SIGNALS AND SYSTEMSCO1. To be able to determine if a given system is linear/causal/stable
CO2. Capable of determining the frequency components present in a deterministic signal
CO3. Capable of characterizing LTI systems in the time domain and frequency domain
THEORYEC8392DIGITAL ELECTRONICSCO1. Use digital electronics in the present contemporary world
CO2. Design various combinational digital circuits using logic gates
CO3. Do the analysis and design procedures for synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits
CO4. Use the semiconductor memories and related technology
CO5. Use electronic circuits involved in the design of logic gates
CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERINGCO1. Identify the various control system components and their representations.
CO2. Analyze the various time domain parameters.
CO3. Analysis the various frequency response plots and its system.
CO4. Apply the concepts of various system stability criterions.
CO5. Design various transfer functions of digital control system using state variable models.
CO2. Implement functions and recursive functions in C
CO3. Implement data structures using C
CO4. Choose appropriate sorting algorithm for an application and implement it in a modularized way
PRACTICALEC8361ANALOG AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS LABORATORYCO1. Design and Test rectifiers, filters and regulated power supplies.
CO2. Design and Test BJT/JFET amplifiers.
CO3. Differentiate cascode and cascade amplifiers.
CO4. Analyze the limitation in bandwidth of single stage and multi stage amplifier
CO5. Measure CMRR in differential amplifier
CO6. Simulate and analyze amplifier circuits using PSpice.
CO7. Design and Test the digital logic circuits.
CO2. Participate in group discussions
CO3. Make effective presentations
CO4. Participate confidently and appropriately in conversations both formal and informal

IVTHEORYMA8451PROBABILITY AND RANDOM PROCESSESCO1. Understand the fundamental knowledge of the concepts of probability and have knowledge of standard distributions which can describe real life phenomenon.
CO2. Understand the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables and apply in engineering applications.
CO3. Apply the concept random processes in engineering disciplines.
CO4. Understand and apply the concept of correlation and spectral densities.
CO5. The students will have an exposure of various distribution functions and help in acquiring skills in handling situations involving more than one variable. Able to analyze the response of random inputs to linear time invariant systems.
THEORYEC8452ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS IICO1. Analyze different types of amplifier, oscillator and multivibrator circuits
CO2. Design BJT amplifier and oscillator circuits
CO3. Analyze transistorized amplifier and oscillator circuits
CO4. Design and analyze feedback amplifiers
CO5. Design LC and RC oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, power amplifier and DC convertors.

THEORYEC8491COMMUNICATION THEORYCO1. Design AM communication systems
CO2. Design Angle modulated communication systems
CO3. Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems
CO4. Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems
CO5. Gain knowledge in sampling and quantization
THEORYEC8451ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSCO1. Display an understanding of fundamental electromagnetic laws and concepts
CO2. Write Maxwell's equations in integral, differential and phasor forms and explain their physical meaning
CO3. Explain electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy and in lossless media
CO4. Solve simple problems requiring estimation of electric and magnetic field quantities based on these concepts and laws
THEORYEC8453LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITSCO1. Design linear and non linear applications of OP – AMPS
CO2. Design applications using analog multiplier and PLL
CO3. Design ADC and DAC using OP – AMPS
CO4. Generate waveforms using OP – AMP Circuits

CO5. Analyze special function Ics
THEORYGE8291ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGCO1. Environmental Pollution or problems cannot be solved by mere laws. Public participation is an important aspect which serves the environmental Protection. One will obtain knowledge on the following after completing the course.
CO2. Public awareness of environmental is at infant stage.
CO3. Ignorance and incomplete knowledge has lead to misconceptions
CO4. Development and improvement in std. of living has lead to serious environmental disasters

PRACTICALEC8461CIRCUIT DESIGN AND SIMULATION LABORATORYCO1. Analyze various types of feedback amplifiers
CO2. Design oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave-shaping circuits and multivibrators
CO3. Design and simulate feedback amplifiers, oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave-shaping circuits and multivibrators using SPICE Tool.

PRACTICALEC8462LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORYCO1. Design amplifiers, oscillators, D-A converters using operational amplifiers.
CO2. Design filters using op-amp and performs an experiment on frequency response.
CO3. Analyze the working of PLL and describe its application as a frequency multiplier.
CO4. Design DC power supply using ICs.
CO5. Analyze the performance of filters, multivibrators, A/D converter and analog multiplier using SPICE.

CO2. Design and implement base band transmission schemes
CO3. Design and implement band pass signaling schemes
CO4. Analyze the spectral characteristics of band pass signaling schemes and their noise performance
CO5. Design error control coding schemes
THEORYEC8553DISCRETE-TIME SIGNAL PROCESSINGCO1. Apply DFT for the analysis of digital signals and systems
CO2. Design IIR and FIR filters
CO3. Characterize the effects of finite precision representation on digital filters
CO4. Design multirate filters
CO5. Apply adaptive filters appropriately in communication systems
THEORYEC8552COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANIZATIONCO1. Describe data representation, instruction formats and the operation of a digital computer
CO2. Illustrate the fixed point and floating-point arithmetic for ALU operation
CO3. Discuss about implementation schemes of control unit and pipeline performance
CO4. Explain the concept of various memories, interfacing and organization of multiple processors
CO5. Discuss parallel processing technique and unconventional architectures
THEORYEC8551COMMUNICATION NETWORKSCO1. Identify the components required to build different types of networks
CO2. Choose the required functionality at each layer for given application
CO3. Identify solution for each functionality at each layer
CO4. Trace the flow of information from one node to another node in the network
PRACTICALEC8562DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LABORATORYCO1. Carryout basic signal processing operations
CO2. Demonstrate their abilities towards MATLAB based implementation of various DSP systems
CO3. Analyze the architecture of a DSP Processor
CO4. Design and Implement the FIR and IIR Filters in DSP Processor for performing filtering operation over real-time signals
CO5. Design a DSP system for various applications of DSP
PRACTICALEC8561COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LABORATORYCO1. Simulate & validate the various functional modules of a communication system
CO2. Demonstrate their knowledge in base band signaling schemes through implementation of digital modulation schemes
CO3. Apply various channel coding schemes & demonstrate their capabilities towards the improvement of the noise performance of communication system
CO4. Simulate end-to-end communication Link
PRACTICALEC8563COMMUNICATION NETWORKS LABORATORYCO1. Communicate between two desktop computers
CO2. Implement the different protocols
CO3. Program using sockets.
CO4. Implement and compare the various routing algorithms
CO5. Use the simulation tool.
Professional Elective -I - MEDICAL ELECTRONICS
CO1. Know the human body electro- physiological parameters and recording of bio-potentials Comprehend the non-electrical physiological parameters and their measurement – body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, blood cell count, blood flow meter etc.
CO2. Interpret the various assist devices used in the hospitals viz. pacemakers, defibrillators, dialyzers and ventilators
CO3. Comprehend physical medicine methods eg. ultrasonic, shortwave, microwave surgical diathermies , and bio-telemetry principles and methods Know about recent trends in medical instrumentation
THEORYGE8077Open Elective - I - TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENTCO1. The student would be able to apply the tools and techniques of quality management to manufacturing and services processes.
THEORYOMD551Open Elective - I - BASIC OF BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATIONCO1: To Learn the different bio potential and its propagation.
CO2: To get Familiarize the different electrode placement for various physiological recording
CO3: Students will be able design bio amplifier for various physiological recording
CO4: Students will understand various technique non electrical physiogical measurements measurements
CO5: Understand the different biochemical
VITHEORYEC8095VLSI DESIGNCO1.Design arithmetic building blocks and memory subsystems.
CO2.Realize the concepts of digital building blocks using MOS transistor.
CO3.Design combinational MOS circuits and power strategies.
CO4.Design and construct Sequential Circuits and Timing systems.
CO5.Apply and implement FPGA design flow and testing.
THEORYEC8691MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERSCO1. Understand and execute programs based on 8086 microprocessor.
CO2. Design Memory Interfacing circuits.
CO3. Design and interface I/O circuits.
CO4. Design and implement 8051 microcontroller based systems.
THEORYEC8652WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONCO1. Characterize a wireless channel and evolve the system design specifications
CO2. Design a cellular system based on resource availability and traffic demands
CO3. Identify suitable signaling and multipath mitigation techniques for the wireless channel and system under consideration.

THEORYMG8591PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTCO1. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to have clear understanding
CO2. Managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading & controlling and have same basic knowledge on international aspect of management

THEORYEC8651TRANSMISSION LINES AND RF SYSTEMSCO1. Explain the characteristics of transmission lines and its losses
CO2. Write about the standing wave ratio and input impedance in high frequency transmission lines
CO3. Analyze impedance matching by stubs using smith charts
CO4. Analyze the characteristics of TE and TM waves
CO5. Design a RF transceiver system for wireless communication

PRACTICALEC8681MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORYCO1. Write ALP Programmes for fixed and Floating Point and Arithmetic operations
CO2. Interface different I/Os with processor
CO3. Generate waveforms using Microprocessors
CO4. Execute Programs in 8051
CO5. Explain the difference between simulator and Emulator
PRACTICALEC8661VLSI DESIGN LABORATORYCO1. Write HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuit
CO2. Import the logic modules into FPGA Boards
CO3. Synthesize Place and Route the digital IPs

CO4. Design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Digital & Analog IC Blocks using EDA tools
THEORYEC8004Professional Elective -II - WIRELESS NETWORKSCO1. Conversant with the latest 3G/4G networks and its architecture
CO2. Design and implement wireless network environment for any application using latest wireless protocols and standards
CO3. Ability to select the suitable network depending on the availability and requirement
CO4. Implement different type of applications for smart phones and mobile devices with latest network strategies
VIITHEORYEC8701ANTENNAS AND MICROWAVE ENGINEERINGCO1. Apply the basic principles and evaluate antenna parameters and link power budgets
CO2. Design and assess the performance of various antennas
CO3. Design a microwave system given the application specifications
THEORYEC8751OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONCO1. Realize basic elements in optical fibers, different modes and configurations.
CO2. Analyze the transmission characteristics associated with dispersion and polarization techniques.
CO3. Design optical sources and detectors with their use in optical communication system.
CO4. Construct fiber optic receiver systems, measurements and coupling techniques.
CO5. Design optical communication systems and its networks.

THEORYEC8791EMBEDDED AND REAL TIME SYSTEMSCO1. Describe the architecture and programming of ARM processor
CO2: Outline the concepts of embedded systems
CO2. Explain the basic concepts of real time operating system design
CO3. Model real-time applications using embedded-system concepts
THEORYEC8702AD HOC AND WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSCO1. Know the basics of Ad hoc networks and Wireless Sensor Networks
CO2. Apply this knowledge to identify the suitable routing algorithm based on the network and user requirement
CO3. Apply the knowledge to identify appropriate physical and MAC layer protocols. Understand the transport layer and security issues possible in Ad hoc and sensor networks.
CO4. Be familiar with the OS used in Wireless Sensor Networks and build basic modules
PRACTICALEC8711EMBEDDED LABORATORYCO1. Write programs in ARM for a specific Application
CO2. Interface memory, A/D and D/A convertors with ARM system
CO3. Interface memory, A/D and D/A convertors with ARM system
CO4. Analyze the performance of interrupt
CO5. Write program for interfacing keyboard, display, motor and sensor.
CO6. Formulate a mini project using embedded system
PRACTICALEC8761ADVANCED COMMUNICATION LABORATORYCO1. Analyze the performance of simple optical link by measurement of losses and Analyzing the mode characteristics of fiber
CO2. Analyze the Eye Pattern, Pulse broadening of optical fiber and the impact on BER
CO3. Estimate the Wireless Channel Characteristics and Analyze the performance of Wireless Communication System
CO4. Understand the intricacies in Microwave System design
THEORYEC8092Professional Elective -III - ADVANCED WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONCO1. Comprehend and appreciate the significance and role of this course in the present contemporary world
CO2. Apply the knowledge about the importance of MIMO in today's communication
CO3. Appreciate the various methods for improving the data rate of wireless communication system

THEORYOIC751Open Elective - II - TRANSDUCER ENGINEERINGCO1. Ability to model and analyze transducers.
VIIITHEORYEC8093Professional Elective -IV - DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSINGCO1. Know and understand the basics and fundamentals of digital image processing, such as digitization, sampling, quantization, and 2D-transforms.
CO2. Operate on images using the techniques of smoothing, sharpening and enhancement.Understand the restoration concepts and filtering techniques.
CO3. Learn the basics of segmentation, features extraction, compression and recognition methods for color models.
THEORYEC8094Professional Elective -V - SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONCO1. Analyze the satellite orbits
CO2. Analyze the earth segment and space segment
CO3. Analyze the satellite Link design
CO4. Design various satellite applications

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