I, Chandra Paul, got Graduated in BE Aeronautical Engineering during the academic year 2016 -2017 …. First up all I would like to thank our HOD Faculty & Management for making our carrier bright. A special thanks to all our faculty who were with us in all up and downs. More than 4 workshops and an symposium were conducted that makes us stronger in our core. 8 of my fellow Grandaunts got placed in aviation field …..Special training classes were conducted to make all slow leaners to an success one …
I’m Vignesh.currently I’m working with Klm Royal Dutch Airlines as Senior Aircraft Technician was started my college studies in JEC in the year of 2008 & i have completed my BE AERO on 2011.On those 3 years of college time we have learned a lot about our course. Because initially we were blind about aeronautical engg & Aviation. Faculties had good knowledge about our course, so it was quite easy to learn from them. With the guidance of our staff ,initially i joined in a small scale industry (BGD Engg enterprises), With in couple of months i got in to Cambata Aviation. Cambata Aviation is a leading ground handler in Chennai Airport. Later got an opportunity to join as a Aircraft Technician in British Airways. I have gone through all technical trainings in BA. with the help of all those experience, i moved in to Klm Royal Dutch Airlines since 2014. After joining KLM i have successfully completed my EASA License Exams.

Right now from day 1, I was excited to pursue my passion (Aeronautical Engineering) in Jaya Engineering College.H.O.D and Staff members were with me throughout my thick and thin.Under his guidance and support, I secured Anna University 1st Rank (Gold medalist) in the year 2012.
I was given an opportunity by the department to lead my departments symposium (Arcturuz) as the Symposium Organizer in the year 2012 thereby exhibiting my leadership skills. Thanks a ton.The Department gave me the opportunity to attend symposia, conferences and other department related activities thereby improving my level of confidence to address a huge gathering.The members of Staff engaged me in live experiments and aircraft maintenance classes, conducted aeromodelling training.The Department moulded me in a way right away from nurturing and enhancing my technical knowledge in the domain and communication skills that I landed upon a job at Boeing India Private Limited as Engineer-1 in the year 2013.It is almost 6 years here at Boeing. I have been a mentee and now a mentor to new joiners.Currently, I hold the responsibility of the Tech Authoring of Boeing Aircrafts.Seven Alumni from our department are working in my company in Senior Positions

Mr. B. MADHAN KUMAR(2011-2015) has participated in the Indian Technology Congress 2014 and demonstrated his innovative project on Paper Plane.He secured second place in the national level talent contest organized by the ET NOW channel for the same project.He secured 36th rank in Anna university Rankings and currently he is pursuing his PhD in IIT, Madras.
Mr. P. NAVANEETH(2017-2021) has presented his project paper on RAMJET PROJECTILE DESIGN FOR ARTILLERY GUNS in the ARMS-2021 conducted by ARDE,DRDO. He secured 6th rank in Anna university Rankings and currently he is pursuing his Masters in MIT campus, Anna University, Chennai.

Mr. V. ARVEEN RAJ (2011-2015) has helped GREATER CHENNAI POLICE using DRONE to track the movements of the people during the Pandemic situation in the year 2019 in and around Chennai
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