Dr. S. Rajendran, M.E., Ph.D
Jaya Engineering College, Chennai – 602 024.
Dr. S. Rajendran is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has a wide experience in Teaching, Research and Administration. He was awarded Ph.D. degree in the year 2016 by the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai in the area of IC Engine. He finished his Masters in Engineering Design at Anjalai Ammal – Mahalingam Engineering College, Thiruvarur, and Tiruchirappalli and Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering in faculty of Mechanical Engineering from College of Engineering Guindy Anna University Chennai. He is recognized supervisor in Anna University, faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has published 47 papers in reputed International Journals, 10 in International and National Conferences. He has guided more than 50 UG projects and 10 PG Research projects. He is a Life time member of Indian Society for Technical Education [ISTE], New Delhi; He is an Anti-ragging committee Member of Jaya Engineering College. He is a Coordinator for the curriculum and syllabi of PG Programmes to be offered in non-autonomous affiliated College of Anna University under Regulations 2021. He got a patent in the field of air-fuel mixture flow analysis in four stroke petrol engine using aero foil plate in the inlet manifold.
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