To become the most successful incubation destination for students and faculties to Innovate and startup an enterprise as a carrier option and provided-to-nonsupport.
- To utilize the educational infrastructure of the institution towards strengthening innovation and entrepreneurship among students and faculties.
- To strengthen the infrastructure for Innovative Entrepreneurship development
- To provide facilities and support for viable innovative ideas and nurture them into a stable enterprise with proper access to knowledge, networking, and support services
- To provide the guidelines to stakeholders of JEC for developing entrepreneurial agenda, technology licensing, managing Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) ownership, and equity sharing in Startups or enterprises established by faculty and students.
- Stimulation of Entrepreneurship among students, faculties, and staff members to enable them to innovate and create viable products/services for economic growth
- Promotion of Regional and community-based knowledge transfer and enable critical thinking among the stakeholders resulting in innovation
- End to End support for a business idea and innovative idea nurturing them to move from POC (Proof of Concept) to MVP (Minimum Viable Product) into a sustainable business.
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