The major areas of faculty expertise of the department include Biomedical Signal Processing, Communication Systems, Computer networks, Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Instrumentation, RF and Microwaves, Micro strip Antennas, Optoelectronic and Optical Communication, VLSI Design, Wireless Communication, Embedded Systems and MEMS.
The Department has signed MoUs with leading industries and organizations for establishing collaborative research, conducting Workshops, Seminars and
for organizing International Conferences. Professional associations such as ECE association and life member in IOSR (Instrumentation society of India) for professional interaction.
Our students are always encouraged to take part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities in various state-level / national-level competitions including national level symposiums and international conferences.
The graduates from this department have become professional engineers, employed both in core and software companies. They are well represented at core companies, such as Robert Bosch, Qualcomm, Aricent Group, Wipro and as well as smaller start-up companies. They have become successful software developers and managers in the leading software companies, such as Thought works, Infosys, Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), HCL Technologies, TCS, and IGATE etc. Many of our students pursue higher education to obtain MS, MBA and PhD degrees in foreign universities. Also, some of the graduates working in Public sector units, such as BSNL, National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) Ltd, DRDO, ISRO, BHEL, BEL etc.
The Department offered the following Courses,
B.E – Computer and Communication Engineering Started in 2024 with the intake 30 students.
For Online Grievance : onlinegrievance@jec.ac.in