For Admissions : +91-85310 77777

TNEA CODE : 1106

For Admissions : +91-85310 77777 |


Our Department conducted Hands-on-training on “Dot Net Application Development” on 24/08/2018 in MCA Lab – PG Block. The function was started around 9:00 A.M with Prayer song and inaugurated by MCA Department Head Dr. R. Kesavan with a Welcome Address and Introduction of the Resource Person our Alumini Mr. R.Raghu Kumar, Sofware Engineer II, Logitech Engineering Design India Pvt Ltd, Chennai.

The students from Second and Third year MCA has Participated in the Hands-on-training. The session was very useful for second year and final year MCA students. It was started with an introductory presentation about ASP and DOTNET. The Demo training covered the Exercise from the Laboratory subject MC7511- Advanced Internet Programming Laboratory and MC7512 – XML and Web Services Laboratory .The students clarified many doubts regarding their project works.

The Hands-on-training was very useful for all the MCA students and everyone gave good feedback about it. The Hands-on-training came to an end with the vote of thanks.

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