For Admissions : +91-85310 77777

TNEA CODE : 1106

For Admissions : +91-85310 77777 |


SemesterTheory/ PracticalCourse CodeCourse TitleCourse Outcomes
01TheoryHS8151Communicative EnglishRead articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers.
Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English.
Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.
TheoryMA8151Engineering Mathematics - IUse both the limit definition and rules of differentiation to differentiate functions.
Apply differentiation to solve maxima and minima problems.
Evaluate integrals both by using Riemann sums and by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Apply integration to compute multiple integrals, area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates, in addition to change of order and change of variables.
Evaluate integrals using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions and integration by parts.
Determine convergence/divergence of improper integrals and evaluate convergent improper integrals.
Apply various techniques in solving differential equations.
TheoryPH8151Engineering PhysicsThe students will gain knowledge on the basics of properties of matter and its applications,
The students will acquire knowledge on the concepts of waves and optical devices and their applications in fibre optics,
The students will have adequate knowledge on the concepts of thermal properties of materials and their applications in expansion joints and heat exchangers,
The students will get knowledge on advanced physics concepts of quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes, and the students will understand the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques.
TheoryCY8151Engineering ChemistryThe knowledge gained on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatment techniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications for further learning.
TheoryGE8151Problem Solving and Python ProgrammingDevelop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems
Read, write, execute by hand simple Python programs.
Structure simple Python programs for solving problems.
Decompose a Python program into functions.
Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs
TheoryGE8152Engineering GraphicsFamiliarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphics
Perform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.
Project orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.
Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.
Visualize and to project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.
PracticalGE8161Problem Solving and Python ProgrammingWrite, test, and debug simple Python programs.
Implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
LaboratoryDevelop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.
Use Python lists, tuples, dictionaries for representing compound data.
Read and write data from/to files in Python.
PracticalBS8161Physics and Chemistry LaboratoryApply principles of elasticity, optics and thermal properties for engineering applications.
The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters
02TheoryHS8251Technical EnglishRead technical texts and write area- specific texts effortlessly.
Listen and comprehend lectures and talks in their area of specialisation successfully.
Speak appropriately and effectively in varied formal and informal contexts.
Write reports and winning job applications.
TheoryMA8251Engineering Mathematics - IIEigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix, Symmetric matrices, Positive definite matrices and similar matrices.
Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector point function and related identities.
Evaluation of line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems and their verification.
Analytic functions, conformal mapping and complex integration.
Laplace transform and inverse transform of simple functions, properties, various related theorems and application to differential equations with constant coefficients.
TheoryPH8201Physics For Civil EngineeringThe students will have knowledge on the thermal performance of buildings,
The students will acquire knowledge on the acoustic properties of buildings,
The students will get knowledge on various lighting designs for buildings,
The students will gain knowledge on the properties and performance of engineering materials, and the students will understand the hazards of buildings.
TheoryBE8251Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAbility to identify the electrical components and explain the characteristics of electrical machines.
Ability to identify electronics components and understand the characteristics
TheoryGE8291Environmental Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Pollution or problems cannot be solved by mere laws. Public participation is an important aspect which serves the environmental Protection. One will obtain knowledge on the following after completing the course.
Public awareness of environmental is at infant stage.
Ignorance and incomplete knowledge has lead to misconceptions
Development and improvement in std. of living has lead to serious environmental disasters
TheoryGE8292Engineering MechanicsIllustrate the vectorial and scalar representation of forces and moments
Analyse the rigid body in equilibrium
Evaluate the properties of surfaces and solids
Calculate dynamic forces exerted in rigid body
Determine the friction and the effects by the laws of friction
PracticalGE8261Engineering Practices LaboratoryFabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works.
 Use welding equipments to join the structures.
Carry out the basic machining operations
Make the models using sheet metal works
Illustrate on centrifugal pump, air conditioner, operations of smithy, foundary and fittings
Carry out basic home electrical works and appliances
Measure the electrical quantities
Elaborate on the components, gates, soldering practices.
PracticalCE8211Computer Aided Building DrawingThe students will be able to draft the plan, elevation and sectional views of the buildings, industrial structures, and framed buildings using computer softwares.
03TheoryMA8353Transforms and Partial Differential EquationsUnderstand how to solve the given standard partial differential equations.
Solve differential equations using Fourier series analysis which plays a vital role in engineering applications.
Appreciate the physical significance of Fourier series techniques in solving one and two dimensional heat flow problems and one dimensional wave equations.
Understand the mathematical principles on transforms and partial differential equations would provide them the ability to formulate and solve some of the physical problems of engineering.
Use the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations by using Z transform techniques for discrete time systems.
TheoryCE8301Strength of Materials IUnderstand the concepts of stress and strain, principal stresses and principal planes.
Determine Shear force and bending moment in beams and understand concept of theory of simple bending.
Calculate the deflection of beams by different methods and selection of method for determining slope or deflection.
Apply basic equation of torsion in design of circular shafts and helical springs, .
Analyze the pin jointed plane and space trusses
TheoryCE8302Fluid MechanicsGet a basic knowledge of fluids in static, kinematic and dynamic equilibrium.
Understand and solve the problems related to equation of motion.
Gain knowledge about dimensional and model analysis.
Learn types of flow and losses of flow in pipes.
Understand and solve the boundary layer problems.
TheoryCE8351SurveyingThe use of various surveying instruments and mapping
Measuring Horizontal angle and vertical angle using different instruments
Methods of Leveling and setting Levels with different instruments
Concepts of astronomical surveying and methods to determine time, longitude, latitude and azimuth
Concept and principle of modern surveying.
TheoryCE8391Construction MaterialsCompare the properties of most common and advanced building materials.
Understand the typical and potential applications of lime, cement and aggregates
Know the production of concrete and also the method of placing and making of concrete elements.
Understand the applications of timbers and other materials
Understand the importance of modern material for construction.
TheoryCE8392Engineering GeologyWill be able to understand the importance of geological knowledge such as earth, earthquake, volcanism and the action of various geological agencies.
Will get basics knowledge on properties of minerals.
Gain knowledge about types of rocks, their distribution and uses.
Will understand the methods of study on geological structure.
Will understand the application of geological investigation in projects such as dams, tunnels, bridges, roads, airport and harbor
PracticalCE8311Construction Materials LaboratoryThe students will have the required knowledge in the area of testing of construction materials and components of construction elements experimentally.
PracticalCE8361Surveying LaboratoryStudents completing this course would have acquired practical knowledge on handling basic survey instruments including Theodolite, Tacheometry, Total Station and GPS and have adequate knowledge to carryout Triangulation and Astronomical surveying including general field marking for various engineering projects and Location of site etc.
PracticalHS8381Interpersonal Skills / Listening and SpeakingListen and respond appropriately.
Participate in group discussions
Make effective presentations
Participate confidently and appropriately in conversations both formal and informal
04TheoryMA8491Numerical MethodsUnderstand the basic concepts and techniques of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation and error approximations in various intervals in real life situations.
Apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integration for engineering problems.
Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.
Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with engineering applications
TheoryCE8401Construction Techniques andKnow the different construction techniques and structural systems
PracticesUnderstand various techniques and practices on masonry construction, flooring, and roofing.
Plan the requirements for substructure construction.
Know the methods and techniques involved in the construction of various types of super structures
Select, maintain and operate hand and power tools and equipment used in the building construction sites.
TheoryCE8402Strength of Materials IIDetermine the strain energy and compute the deflection of determinate beams, frames and trusses using energy principles.
Analyze propped cantilever, fixed beams and continuous beams using theorem of three moment equation for external loadings and support settlements.
Find the load carrying capacity of columns and stresses induced in columns and cylinders
Determine principal stresses and planes for an element in three dimensional state of stress and study various theories of failure
Determine the stresses due to Unsymmetrical bending of beams, locate the shear center, and find the stresses in curved beams.
TheoryCE8403Applied Hydraulic EngineeringApply their knowledge of fluid mechanics in addressing problems in open channels.
Able to identify a effective section for flow in different cross sections.
To solve problems in uniform, gradually and rapidly varied flows in steady state conditions.
Understand the principles, working and application of turbines.
Understand the principles, working and application of pumps.
TheoryCE8404Concrete TechnologyThe various requirements of cement, aggregates and water for making concrete
The effect of admixtures on properties of concrete
The concept and procedure of mix design as per IS method
The properties of concrete at fresh and hardened state
The importance and application of special concretes.
TheoryCE8491Soil MechanicsClassify the soil and assess the engineering properties, based on index properties.
Understand the stress concepts in soils
Understand and identify the settlement in soils.
Determine the shear strength of soil
Analyze both finite and infinite slopes.
PracticalCE8481Strength of Materials LaboratoryThe students will have the required knowledge in the area of testing of materials and components of structural elements experimentally.
PracticalCE8461Hydraulic Engineering LaboratoryThe students will be able to measure flow in pipes and determine frictional losses.
The students will be able to develop characteristics of pumps and turbines.
PracticalHS8461Advanced Reading and WritingWrite different types of essays.
Write winning job applications.
Read and evaluate texts critically.
Display critical thinking in various professional contexts.
05TheoryCE8501Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete ElementsUnderstand the various design methodologies for the design of RC elements.
Know the analysis and design of flanged beams by limit state method and sign of beams for shear, bond and torsion.
Design the various types of slabs and staircase by limit state method.
Design columns for axial, uniaxial and biaxial eccentric loadings.
Design of footing by limit state method.
TheoryCE8502Structural Analysis IAnalyze continuous beams, pin-jointed indeterminate plane frames and rigid plane frames by strain energy method
Analyse the continuous beams and rigid frames by slope defection method.
Understand the concept of moment distribution and analysis of continuous beams and rigid frames with and without sway.
Analyse the indeterminate pin jointed plane frames continuous beams and rigid frames using matrix flexibility method.
Understand the concept of matrix stiffness method and analysis of continuous beams, pin jointed trusses and rigid plane frames.
TheoryEN8491Water Supply EngineeringAn insight into the structure of drinking water supply systems, including water transport, treatment and distribution
The knowledge in various unit operations and processes in water treatment
An ability to design the various functional units in water treatment
An understanding of water quality criteria and standards, and their relation to public health
The ability to design and evaluate water supply project alternatives on basis of chosen criteria.
TheoryCE8591Foundation EngineeringUnderstand the site investigation, methods and sampling.
Get knowledge on bearing capacity and testing methods.
Design shallow footings.
Determine the load carrying capacity, settlement of pile foundation.
Determine the earth pressure on retaining walls and analysis for stability.
TheoryGE8071Professional Elective I -Disaster ManagementDifferentiate the types of disasters, causes and their impact on environment and society
Assess vulnerability and various methods of risk reduction measures as well as mitigation.
Draw the hazard and vulnerability profile of India, Scenarious in the Indian context, Disaster damage assessment and management.
TheoryORO551Open Elective I* - Renewable Energy SourcesUnderstanding the physics of solar radiation.
Ability to classify the solar energy collectors and methodologies of storing solar energy.
Knowledge in applying solar energy in a useful way.
Knowledge in wind energy and biomass with its economic aspects.
Knowledge in capturing and applying other forms of energy sources like wind, biogas and geothermal energies.
PracticalCE8511Soil Mechanics LaboratoryStudents are able to conduct tests to determine both the index and engineering properties of soils and to characterize the soil based on their properties.
PracticalCE8512Water and Waste
Water Analysis Laboratory
Quantify the pollutant concentration in water and wastewater
Suggest the type of treatment required and amount of dosage required for the treatment
Examine the conditions for the growth of micro-organisms
PracticalCE8513Survey Camp
(2 weeks -During IV Semester)
Determine the area of traverse using Total station and GPS
Plot contours and the undulating ground surface.
Perform highway alignment and set out curves for new roads
Handle total station and do field observation using it.
Participate as a team and work with fellow mates in carrying out the surveying of
Sun observation to determine azimuth
06TheoryCE8601Design of Steel Structural Elements· Understand the concepts of various design philosophies
· Design common bolted and welded connections for steel structures
· Design tension members and understand the effect of shear lag.
· Understand the design concept of axially loaded columns and column base connections.
· Understand specific problems related to the design of laterally restrained and unrestrained steel beams.
TheoryCE8602Structural Analysis II· Draw influence lines for statically determinate structures and calculate critical stress resultants.
· Understand Muller Breslau principle and draw the influence lines for statically indeterminate beams.
· Analyse of three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches.
· Analyse the suspension bridges with stiffening girders
· Understand the concept of Plastic analysis and the method of analyzing beams and rigid frames.
TheoryCE8603Irrigation Engineering· Have knowledge and skills on crop water requirements.
· Understand the methods and management of irrigation.
· Gain knowledge on types of Impounding structures
· Understand methods of irrigation including canal irrigation.
· Get knowledge on water management on optimization of water use.
TheoryCE8604Highway Engineering· Get knowledge on planning and aligning of highway.
· Geometric design of highways
· Design flexible and rigid pavements.
· Gain knowledge on Highway construction materials, properties, testing methods
· Understand the concept of pavement management system, evaluation of distress and maintenance of pavements
TheoryEN8592Wastewater Engineering· An ability to estimate sewage generation and design sewer system including sewage pumping stations
· The required understanding on the characteristics and composition of sewage, self- purification of streams
· An ability to perform basic design of the unit operations and processes that are used in sewage treatment
· Understand the standard methods for disposal of sewage.
· Gain knowledge on sludge treatment and disposal.
TheoryCE8005Professional Elective II- Air Pollution and Control Engineering· An understanding of the nature and characteristics of air pollutants, noise pollution and basic concepts of air quality management
· Ability to identify, formulate and solve air and noise pollution problems
· Ability to design stacks and particulate air pollution control devices to meet applicable standards.
· Ability to select control equipments.
· Ability to ensure quality, control and preventive measures.
PracticalCE8611Highway Engineering Laboratory· Student knows the techniques to characterize various pavement materials through relevant tests.
PracticalCE8612Irrigation and Environmental Engineering Drawing· The students after completing this course will be able to design and draw various units of Municipal water treatment plants and sewage treatment plants.
PracticalHS8581Professional Communication· Make effective presentations
· Participate confidently in Group Discussions.
· Attend job interviews and be successful in them.
· Develop adequate Soft Skills required for the workplace
07TheoryCE8701Estimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering· Estimate the quantities for buildings,
· Rate Analysis for all Building works, canals, and Roads and Cost Estimate.
· Understand types of specifications, principles for report preparation, tender notices types.
· Gain knowledge on types of contracts
· Evaluate valuation for building and land.
TheoryCE8702Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering· Understand the methods of route alignment and design elements in Railway Planning and Constructions.
· Understand the Construction techniques and Maintenance of Track laying and Railway stations.
· Gain an insight on the planning and site selection of Airport Planning and design.
· Analyze and design the elements for orientation of runways and passenger facility systems.
· Understand the various features in Harbours and Ports, their construction, coastal protection works and coastal Regulations to be adopted.
TheoryCE8703Structural Design and Drawing· Design and draw reinforced concrete Cantilever and Counterfort Retaining Walls
· Design and draw flat slab as per code provisions
· Design and draw reinforced concrete and steel bridges
· Design and draw reinforced concrete and steel water tanks
· Design and detail the various steel trusses and gantry girders
TheoryEN8591Professional Elective III- Municipal Solid Waste Management· Understanding of the nature and characteristics of municipal solid wastes and the regulatory requirements regarding municipal solid waste management.
· Reduction, reuse and recycling of waste
· Ability to plan and design systems for storage, collection, transport, processing and disposal of municipal solid waste.
· Knowledge on the issues on solid waste management from an integrated and holistic perspective, as well as in the local and international context.
· Design and operation of sanitary landfill.
TheoryOME754Open Elective II* - Industrial Safety· Students must be able to identify and prevent chemical, environmental mechanical, fire hazard through analysis and apply proper safety techniques on safety engineering and management.
PracticalCE8711Creative and Innovative Project (Activity Based - Subject Related)· On completion of the project students will have a better experience in planning various intention problems related to Civil Engineering.
PracticalCE8712Industrial Training (4 weeks During VI Semester Summer)· The intricacies of implementation textbook knowledge into practice.
· The concepts of developments and implementation of new techniques
08TheoryGE8076Professional Elective IV-Professional Ethics in EngineeringUpon completion of the course, the student should be able to apply ethics in society, discuss the ethical issues related to engineering and realize the responsibilities and rights in the society.
TheoryCE8020Professional Elective V- Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of StructuresThe importance of maintenance and assessment method of distressed structures.
The strength and durability properties, their effects due to climate and temperature.
Recent development in concrete
The techniques for repair rand protection methods
Repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures and demolition methods
PracticalCE8811Project WorkOn Completion of the project work students will be in a position to take up any challenging practical problems and find solution by formulating proper methodology.

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